Masayuki ABE


Present Post

Senior Distinguished Researcher in NTT Social Informatics Laboratories

Guest Professor in Graduate School of Informatics
Kyoto University


1990.4 B.E. in Electrical Engineering from Science University of Tokyo (Supervised by Prof. Seiichiro Hangai)

1992.4 M.E in Electrical Engineering from Science University of Tokyo (Supervised by Prof. Seiichiro Hangai)

2002.12 Ph.D from University of Tokyo. #15508, "Efficient Components for Cryptographic Applications in the Discrete-Log Setting" (Supervised by Prof. Hideki Imai)

Work Carrier

[1992.4-1996.8] Engineer of NTT Network Information Systems Laboratories. Development of fast arithmetic algorithms for cryptographic operations and their software and hardware implementation.

[1996.9-1997.8] Guest Researcher of ETH Zurich. Studied multi-party computation, supervised by Professor Ueli Maurer.

[1997.9-2004.3] Research Engineer of NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories (Senior Research Engineer since 2001, and Distinguished Scientist since 2003). Design and analysis of cryptographic primitives and protocols including electronic voting, key escrow systems, blind signatures for digital cash system, message recovery and other signature schemes with additional functionality, publicly verifiable encryption schemes, efficient multi-party computation based on cryptographic assumptions, and zero-knowledge proofs in multi-party computation.

[2004.4-2006.1] Visiting IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. Collaboration with the Crypto Group leaded by Tal Rabin. Research on hybrid encryption, zero-knowledge proofs, universally composable protocols.

[2006.1-2013.3] Senior Research Scientist since October 2005 and Distinguished Scientist of NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories. Research on digital signatures with special features.

[2013.4-present] Senior Distinguished Researcher of NTT Secure Platform Laboratories.

Acacemic Experiences

[1999.5] Lecturer of Department of Electronics and Computer Systems in Takushoku University.

[2002.9-2003.3] Lecturer of Department of Information and Communication Technology in School of High Technology for Human Welfare in Tokai University.

[2009.5-2009.7] Lecturer of Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo

[2012.9-2013.1] Lecturer of Department of Information and Communication Engineering in University of Electro-Communications

[2013.4-2018.3] Guest Associate Professor in Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University

[2018.4-present] Guest Professor in Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University

Invited Talks

[2001.1.15] ``Cryptographic Solution for Electronic Voting'' and ``Development of Electronic Voting Systems in NTT'', In the Seminar Series at the Information and Communications University, Korea.

[2001.9.18:] ``Trend of Electronic Commerce'' (in Japanese), In IEICE Kansai-branch.

[2003.3.8] ``Multi-Party Protocols and Zero-Knowledge Proofs'', In 3rd JST Workshop.

[2006.2.28] ``Tag-KEM/DEM: A New Framework for Hybrid Encryption'', Workshop on Secure Construction of Public-Key Cryptosystems and its Applications, AIST, Japan

[2007.12.11] ``Compact CCA-secure Encryption'', Global COE Workshop, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

[2007.12.13] ``Compact CCA-secure Encryption for Arbitrary Messages'', IPA Cryptography Workshop 2007 Autumn, IPA.

[2008.12.3] ``Provable Security in Public-key Encryption Schemes'', Tutorial Session in International Conference on Information Security and Cryptography 2008 (ICISC'08), Seoul, Korea.

[2011.5.31] `` Signature Scheme with Efficient Proof of Validity", International Workshop on Coding and Cryptology, Qingdao, China, May 30-June 3, 2011

[2012.2.23] ``Structure-Preserving Cryptography Part-II: Structure Preserving Commitments", 5th Workshop on Secure Construction of Public-Key Cryptosystems and its Applications, Akihabara, Japan.

[2012.9.26] The Sixth International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec 2012), Chengdu, China, “Cryptographic Tools over Bilinear Groups for Modular Design of Cryptographic Tasks”

[2013.6.27] 4th Jinbo-cho Cryptography Workshop, Study on PKC2013, “Tagged One-Time Signatures: Tight Security and Optimal Tag Size”

Seminar Talks

New York University (USA, 2005), UC Irvine (USA, 2010), École Normale Supérieure (France, 2008), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore, 2011), IBM Zurich (Switzerland, 2012), ETH Zurich (Switzerland 2012), Karlsruhe University (Germany, 2012)


[Program Committee Member for International Conferences]
Asiacrypt'01, PKC'02, Asiacrypt'03, ACISP'03, ISC'03, PKC'04, FC'04, ACNS'04, CT-RSA'05, Crypto'05, PKC'06, WWW'06, VietCrypt'06, Asiacrypt'07, PKC'08, CT-RSA'08, ACNS'08, ACISP'08, Asiacrypt'08, ASIACCS'09, Asiacrypt'09, Crypto'09, ACISP'10, PKC'11, Crypto'11, Asiacrypt'11, TCC'12, SCN'12, TCC'13, CT-RSA'13, Crypto'13, PKC'14, Eurocrypt'14, Asiacrypt'14, Crypto'15

[Program (Co-)Chair]
CT-RSA'07, ASIACCS'08, Asiacrypt'10

[General Co-Chair]

[Ph.D. Referee]
For Kun Peng in Queensland University of Technology, April 2004.
For Kristiyan Halarambiev in New York University, March 2011.

[Editorial Board]
International Journal of Applied Cryptography (IJACT). (2008-present).


SCIS Paper Award for "Robust Threshold Cramer-Shoup Cryptosystem", 1999 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS '99), T1-1.3, 1999

“Recognition of Service Award” (for the PC Co-Chair of ASIACCS’08) from Association for Computing Machinery, 2008.


PDF Version

PDF files include cv and and the publication list.